Ylang Ylang Essential Oil

Ylang Ylang Essential Oil



We currently have 2 in stock.

  • Fragrance
    intense, floral, narcotic, sweet
  • About the plant
    Ylang ylang is a tropical tree that reaches a height of up to 100 feet. It has large yellow flowers that become black fruit with black seeds.
  • Spiritual uses
    Ylang ylang encourages spiritual service to others.
  • Mental uses
    Ylang ylang essential oil relaxes the mind and relieves the internal dialogue that cycles through your consciousness.
  • Emotional uses
    Use ylang ylang to help calm erratic emotions; be mindful, though, that it brings feelings to the surface to allow for discussion and self-awareness.
  • Physical uses
    Ylang ylang is an aphrodisiac and is beneficial in fertility blends. Due to its stress-reducing properties, it lowers blood pressure, helps to improve sleep patterns, and reduces feelings of being overwhelmed. Ylang ylang has some pain-reducing qualities, but overall it is a calming and relaxing oil. It encourages wealth and prosperity.
  • Therapeutic properties
    antidepressant, antipruritic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, calmative, carminative, emmenagogic, emollient, euphoriant, fixative, hypotensor, moisturizer, nervine, rejuvenator (skin and hair), relaxant, sedative, stimulative (circulatory system), tonic

For your safety: Avoid use in cases of low blood pressure. Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

The Crystal Garden label oils are 100% pure therapeutic-quality also considered medical grade. Therapeutic medical quality means these oils can be used in a carrier oil for rebalancing the body and will have a real effect on the physical, mental, and emotional bodies.

Essential Oils

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