Shamanic Journeying: Discover the Unseen World

Shamanic Journeying: Discover the Unseen World

by Dave Eyerman


Paperback, 219 pages

We currently have 4 in stock.

Shamanic journeying is an ancient technique that opens the doors of communication and interaction with the spiritual essence of all beings. It is a tool to explore the side of reality that lies beyond your primary five senses. Through journeying, you can greatly broaden and deepen your understanding of yourself and all aspects of life.

In Shamanic Journeying, Dave Eyerman offers a grounded and easy-to-follow guide into the world of shamanism and shamanic journeying, making this tool accessible for everyone. In this book, you will learn about:

  • The role of shamanic journeying
  • How to journey on your own
  • Power Animals and your entire Divine Support Team
  • The Upper, Middle, and Lower Worlds of Non-Ordinary Reality
  • Common challenges with journeying - and ways to overcome them

Explore the spiritual world with over 150 different specific journey intentions!

  • Publisher: Independently published (February 22, 2021)
Shamanism Books by Our Presenters
Dave Eyerman

Eyerman, Dave

Dave Eyerman is a shamanic practitioner, licensed acupuncturist, certified life coach, teacher, and author.

In individual client sessions, Dave combines coaching and acupuncture with shamanic wisdom and healing. He helps his clients come into greater alignment with their most soulful self and reawaken them to their innate spiritual connection to the natural world. Additionally, Dave regularly offers various workshops, classes, and retreats offering direct experiences with the tools and perspectives of shamanism and Chinese medicine to foster a more naturally- and spiritually-minded collective mindset.

For more information about Dave and his current offerings, visit Lion Heart Medicine, LLC.

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