Crystal Healing for the Heart

Crystal Healing for the Heart

by Nicholas Pearson


Paperback, 288 pages

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A gemstone-supported healing journey guided by your heart.

  • Offers hands-on exercises and meditations with more than 60 gemstones and minerals, each a specific heart-healing stone
  • Explores the anatomy of the physical heart and its spiritual symbolism
  • Shows how your heart is itself a sensory organ and coordinator of your energy field
  • Explains how to fortify your heart with emotional strength, reclaim your will, cultivate forgiveness, and nurture romantic relationships in a meaningful way

The word heart can be used in so many different ways. We talk about putting our hearts into our work and wearing our hearts on our sleeves. There are people who are warmhearted and those willing to heal your heartache. Each of us has likely known the pangs of conflict between the head and heart. For all the trials and pains of daily living, many people are taught to distance themselves from their hearts in order to avoid folly and failure. The truth is that only in embracing the language of the heart can we truly know who we are and where we are going.

Focusing on the role of crystals in the journey to wholeheartedness, Nicholas Pearson reveals how the heart, as the literal and metaphorical center of one’s being, has the power to lead us to greater balance, healing, and happiness. He explores the anatomy of the physical heart and its spiritual symbolism and shows how its four chambers are related to the four elements. Offering hands-on exercises and meditations with more than 60 gemstones and minerals, each a specific heart-healing stone, the author explains how to build a better relationship with the heart as your spiritual center as well as how to fortify your heart with emotional strength, reclaim your will, and cultivate forgiveness. He shows how your heart is the coordinator of your energy field and is itself a sensory organ and information processor, working to enact healing on many levels. He also looks at the heart chakra and how the higher heart chakra is evolving.

Providing stone-supported lessons for applying a heart-centered approach in daily life, from expressing yourself to nurturing romantic relationships in a meaningful way, the author shows how the journey to wholeness and wholeheartedness isn’t always easy, but it cannot be undertaken without first spending time to hear the soft, gentle voice of your heart and embrace the transformational force of inner alchemy known as love.

  • Publisher: Destiny Books, September 2017
Crystals Books by Our Presenters Valentine's Day Crystal Lover
Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to the largest mineral collection in the southern United States.

A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. Nicholas is the author of five books, including The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystal Healing for the Heart. He lives in Orlando, Florida.

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