Crystals for Karmic Healing

Crystals for Karmic Healing

by Nicholas Pearson


Paperback, 288 pages

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Crystals for Karmic Healing: Transform Your Future by Releasing Your Past

A detailed guide for using crystals and gemstones to resolve negative karma and discover your soul’s purpose:

  • Details the spiritual and chemical interpretations of more than 50 healing stones as well as fossils, flint, and amber
  • Offers advanced crystal exercises for past-life regression, cutting karmic cords, releasing cellular memories, and accessing the Akashic Records
  • Demonstrates how to use crystal grids and layouts for healing karma and how to seek assistance from angels and other divine beings

As direct geometrical expressions of the Divine, crystals have the ability to work upon the soul at the deepest levels. The more mindfully and conscientiously we spend time with these crystalline forms, the more crystalline we become in terms of our spiritual bodies and their inner, holographic perfection. As potent catalysts of elevated consciousness and overall spiritual growth, crystals and gemstones offer a powerful resource for resolving negative karma patterns and realigning you with the light of your soul’s purpose.

Detailing the spiritual and chemical interpretations of more than 50 healing stones, as well as fossils, flint, and amber, Nicholas Pearson guides readers through the how and why of resolving karmic knots and obstructions with the help of crystals. He offers hands-on crystal meditations and demonstrates how to use crystal grids and layouts for healing karma. He explains how to cleanse and program stones and shares more advanced crystal exercises for past-life regression, cutting karmic cords, releasing off-world karma and cellular memories, and accessing the Akashic Records to reveal your soul’s blueprint and rewrite its contracts with higher powers.

Explaining how to incorporate color, chakra therapy, gem elixirs, and dreamwork in your karmic crystal practice, Pearson also explores how to access the Violet Flame of spiritual alchemy, the Seventh Ray, to transmute restrictive karmic patterns. He introduces the Lords of Karma and other spirit guides, gods, goddesses, and angels who can help with karmic healing. He offers guidance on what stones are appropriate for everyday wear and on working with crystal skulls, Lemurian seed crystals, shungite, and time link crystals. The author also explains how crystals can be used to resolve planetary karma, releasing us into the next phase in the collective transformation of humanity. Unveiling the inner teachings of the mineral kingdom, Pearson shows that if you work with crystals consciously, reverently, and humbly, your life will transform.

  • Publisher: Destiny Books, January 2017
Shungite Books by Our Presenters Crystals
Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to the largest mineral collection in the southern United States.

A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. Nicholas is the author of five books, including The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystal Healing for the Heart. He lives in Orlando, Florida.

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6:30 pm-8:30 pm
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