Raise Your Vibration (New Edition)

Raise Your Vibration (New Edition)

by Kyle Gray


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Everything is comprised of energy, including you! You express energy in what you create, experience, and attract. Right now, the Universe is calling you to align your life to a higher energetic frequency, and at any given moment you have the opportunity to Raise Your Vibration. Let best-selling author Kyle Gray be your guide!

This new edition focuses Kyle’s teachings into 77 essential healing practices, sharing inspiring affirmations, channeled wisdom, and energetic messages to help you awaken your divine connection and activate your light. You’ll discover how to:

· Trust in the love and support of the Universe
· Clear your energy field and protect your vibes
· Activate the flow of spiritual energy through your chakras
· Cultivate a daily spiritual practice with simple tools
· Attract positive experiences into your everyday life

“Raising your vibration is all about choosing to be that good vibe wherever you go. Essentially, it’s about making the conscious choice to be the good you were born to be.

"The high-vibe life is a good life. That doesn’t mean that everything’s going to be rosy, but it does mean that you have tools and practices that you can use when you need them.

"That’s what I’ve learned about raising your vibration—it’s not about avoiding life’s challenges or high-vibing your way out of being human, it’s about being able to come back to your center more quickly when things get gnarly, challenging, or even dark.

"My prayer is that no matter what comes up in your life, this book will support you in tapping into the resources you have within and returning to the highest vibration.”

Kyle Gray

Raise Your Vibration will help you lead a high-vibe life with purpose and love, so that you make room for an endless flow of miracles, guidance, and spiritual support in every area of your life!

Inspired Living
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Circles of Wisdom

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