Seven Archetypal Stones

Seven Archetypal Stones

by Nicholas Pearson


Paperback, 318 pages

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The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings

A guide to the mystery teachings of the mineral kingdom for catalyzing spiritual growth and healing

• Focuses on 7 essential crystal and gemstone mentors: obsidian, jade, lapis lazuli, emerald, quartz, amethyst, and diamond

• Integrates crystal lore from around the world with mineral science to reveal the archetypal wisdom embodied within each stone

• Provides crystal healing exercises and meditations on the specific spiritual work each stone archetype supports

Stones and crystals are our most ancient teachers. The relationships between the mineral kingdom and the human kingdom are as old as life itself, for the mineral kingdom--comprised of beautiful crystals, dense rocks, sands, clays, and everything in-between--is the very foundation upon which life developed on Earth. Supporting humanity through the eons, these teachers offer curative and restorative properties for healing as well as powerful guidance to catalyze spiritual growth.

Integrating gemstone lore from around the world with modern mineral science, Nicholas Pearson guides readers on a journey into the inner realm of the mystery teachings of the mineral kingdom, a journey that mirrors the soul’s path to perfection. He reveals the archetypal wisdom embodied within 7 essential crystal and gemstone mentors--obsidian, jade, lapis lazuli, emerald, quartz, amethyst, and diamond--examining each stone’s mythological, historical, and cultural associations in tandem with their crystalline structure and chemical composition. He explores each stone’s healing and spiritual properties, providing practical exercises, esoteric revelations, and meditations on the specific spiritual work each stone archetype supports. Obsidian, for example, is the stone of initiation, revealing our shadow side and guiding us to places in need of light. Diamond, the final perfected stone of the seven, illuminates Divine Love, purifying us and leading our consciousness to enlightenment, cutting through any vestiges of fear or illusion because it is the hardest, sharpest, most luminous teacher the mineral kingdom has to offer.

Enabling each of us to harness the power of stones for spiritual evolution and healing, this guide to the mystery teachings of the mineral kingdom shows how the ancient call to evolve with the crystals and stones that surround us lives on in an unbroken legacy.

  • Publisher: Destiny Books, November 2016
Crystals Books by Our Presenters
Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson

Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for more than 20 years. He began teaching crystal workshops in high school, later studying mineral science at Stetson University while pursuing a degree in music. He worked for several years at the Gillespie Museum, home to the largest mineral collection in the southern United States.

A certified teacher and practitioner of Usui Reiki Ryoho, he teaches crystal and Reiki classes throughout the United States. Nicholas is the author of five books, including The Seven Archetypal Stones and Crystal Healing for the Heart. He lives in Orlando, Florida.

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Crystals for Psychic Self-Defense
Thursday, March 20 In-Person or Online
6:30 pm-8:30 pm
Do you find yourself easily drained by others? Are you sensitive to other people’s emotions? Are you an empath, healer, psychic, or highly sensitive person? In this workshop you’ll learn simple, effective methods for coping with the barrage of energies you experience in the world around you.
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Usui Reiki Ryoho Shoden: 1st Degree
Friday, March 21-Saturday, March 22 In-Person
10:00 am-2:00 pm
Reiki is a Japanese spiritual practice & healing technique that makes use of Reiki, meaning “soul energy.” Shoden is the traditional name for first-degree Reiki training, focusing on the practice of healing oneself and of others, developing energetic sensitivity, and learning the history and theory of Reiki.
Usui Reiki Ryoho Okuden:  2nd Degree
Usui Reiki Ryoho Okuden: 2nd Degree
Saturday, March 22-Sunday, March 23 In-Person
3:00 pm-7:00 pm
Usui Reiki Ryoho is a Japanese spiritual practice & healing technique that makes use of Reiki, meaning “soul energy.” The second degree of Reiki expands practitioners’ skills by introducing three sacred symbols. It also includes techniques for amplifying hands-on practice, mental-emotional healing & absentee healing.
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