Flower of Life Pendant

Flower of Life Pendant


We currently have 2 in stock.

Flower of Life is the strongest, most advanced symbol of Sacred Geometry for protection and health. It contains multiple amount of Vesica Pisces, which brings Golden Light to your aura. 

The Flower Of Life  is one of the oldest symbols known to man and has represented important meaning to manypeople throughout history. Within this symbol can be found all the building blocks of the universe called the Platonic Solids as well as Vesica Piseces. 

Vesica Pisces is based on Golden Cut (or Golden Proportion, or Golden Mean depends which vacabulary system one follows). Vesica Pisces radiates Vibration of Gold, hence while on the person, Flower of life fills immedietely the aura of the wearer with frequency of Gold.

Flower of life symbol can be used as a metaphor to illustrate the connectedness of all life and spirit within the universe.

Pendant is made slightly indent, so it begin create an invisible sphere inside of wearer physical body. That sphere is a primar shape of Flower of Life teachings and philosophy. 

Diameter: 3.8 cm / 1.49"

Made of silver

Alicja Centre of Well-Being

Rev. Alicja Aratyn M. Eng. is the founder and owner of the Alicja Centre of Well-Being.  She is a Past Vice President of the Canadian Society of Dowsers and has long been a member, lecturer, and teacher for the American Society of Dowsing as well as a member of Toronto Press Club. She is a life-long follower and enthusiast of the Esoteric and Metaphysical teachings of both Eastern and Western Philosophies.


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