Forgiveness Gem Drop

Forgiveness Gem Drop

$28.00 Out of Stock

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  • Planetary Influence:
    Venus and Mercury Chakras: 4th and 5th
  • Rose Quartz, called the love stone, teaches the wearer to be receptive to love by opening the heart. Encourages self-love and the ability to love. Brings adoration, fidelity in established relationships, and bestows gentleness and peace.
  • Chrysocolla is gentle, soothing, friendly, flushes and heals heart blocks (loss, hurt, guilt, fear...) for flexibility, self-forgiveness, and patience. Keeps one in light, love, and healing daily.

Gem Drops are approximately ¾ to 1-inch in diameter. Each item is individually made, so no two pieces are exactly alike. All gem drops come with a black satin cord and information card.

Seeds of Light

Pendants Rose Quartz Gem Drop Pendants Chrysocolla

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