
Ascended Masters of the Seven Sacred Rays

Joan Ruggiero



AvailableSeats: 500

Sunday, September 15
10:30 am-5:30 pm EST

  • Attend live or pre-register and get the recording to watch for up to 2 weeks. 

This Workshop is offered for each one of us to explore not only our origins and connection to the Ascended Masters, but also our destination, as they have mastered the same earthly challenges we face now, and have ascended into the higher Light, yet remain by our side in Love to teach us also to ascend into a higher state of Being and Joy in the here and now. As a human living on earth our soul is longing to join with them so we can receive direct messages to move through our challenges, which were also ‘their challenges’.

In this workshop, we will connect with their ‘Temples of Learning’ or ‘Retreats’ hovering over our Earth in the Astral Realm, as we do this, they will teach us through direct communication who we truly are and why we are here on earth at this time. As we enter the ‘Light’ with them, we will easily merge with each one in each of their personal ‘Temple Retreats’ which exist as places we can enter in meditation to receive direct guidance and healing from these Ascended Masters who are our older brothers and sisters of the Light.

We will begin by connecting to Archangels: Metatron, Melchizedek and Michael and the Ascended Masters: Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Lord Maitreya, Master Jesus and Sanat Kumara who will be overseeing the entire workshop.

Then, through guided meditations, we will enter the ‘Sacred Temple Retreats’ of the Ascended Masters; El Morya, Lord Lanto, Master Paul the Venetian, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, Lady Nada, and St. Germain.

  • El Morya is Master of the 1st Ray, Blue, and represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith and initiative. Some of his lifetimes include Abraham of the Old Testament, King Arthur, Thomas Becket, and Thomas Moore. El Moyra's Temple Retreat is The Temple of Good Will, hovering over Darjeeling, India in the Astral Realm.
  • Lord Lanto is Master of the 2nd Ray, Yellow, and is an ascended master of high attainment whose evolution is of the mystery schools of China. He initiates souls who are pursuing the path of the wisdom teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus Christ and Mary. Lord Lanto's Temple Retreat is The Great Hall of Illumination hovering over Grand Teton Mountain Range, Wyoming, in the Astral Realm.
  • Master Paul the Venetian is Master of the 3rd Ray, Pink, and teaches us divine love, compassion and charity. Throughout his embodiments, Paul the Venetian played a variety of important cultural and artistic roles. On Atlantis, he served in government as head of cultural affairs and his final embodiment was as Paolo Veronese, the renowned inspired renaissance painter. Now he teaches us the way of love as an art. Master Paul the Venetian's Temple Retreat is the Chateau de Liberte' hovering over Southern France in the Astral Realm.
  • Serapis Bey is Master of the 4th Ray, White, and emphasizes harmony and discipline. He is now in charge of admittance into the Halls of Amenti, an astral school for those seriously seeking ascension. Serapis Bey'sTemple Retreat is The Great Hall of Ascension Temple, at Luxor, Egypt, in the Astral Realm.
  • Hilarion is Master of the 5th Ray, Green, and helps us with the healing sciences, sacred geometry and above all – the divine Truth. Master Hilarion was the Apostle Paul. In his last incarnation as St. Hilarion, he was a great healer who was sought after unceasingly for his miraculous healing abilities. Hilarion's Temple Retreat is The Temple of Truth, hovering over Greece, in the Astral Realm.
  • Lady Nada is Master of the 6th Ray, Purple and Gold, and is the Ascended Master of the feminine aspect of the Christ Light and unconditional love and wisdom, who teaches us the practical application of love through service on the path of the personal Christhood and is the twin flame of Jesus. Her last lifetime was as Mary Magdalene. Lady Nada's Temple Retreat with Jesus is The Temple of Resurrection, hovering over Jerusalem.
  • Saint Germain is Master of the 7th Ray, Violet, and is known as the Ascended Master who is the keeper of the Sacred Violet Flame of Healing and Master of the Violet Ray of Light. Saint Germain has lived many lives including Prophet Samuel of the Old Testament, Sir Francis Bacon, Saint Joseph who was husband to Mother Mary and protector of Jesus.Saint Germain's Temple Retreats are over Romania and the Great Violet Flame Temple over Jackson Peak, Wyoming.

While in the Temple of each Master, you will be in the energy to receive a direct message and healing appropriate for you at this time to move beyond your challenge to your next step.  

This will be the first ‘Ascended Master Workshop’ in a series of Ascended Master Workshops. In each workshop we will be able to receive Divine communication from a new group of Ascended Masters.

The Ascended Masters have communicated to earth beings the importance of working with us so we can move more easily through ‘Earth’s Shift of Consciousness’ happening at this time to acquire the Wisdom we need to reach Enlightenment.

*Also coming soon: Workshops to visit the ‘Temple Retreats’ of the Archangels and Elohim of The Seven Sacred Rays.

Joan Ruggiero

Joan Ruggiero

We are Now in a great Transformational Evolutionary Shift on Planet Earth. New Waves of High Vibrational Frequencies and Information are pouring in. As Lightworkers on the path of Ascension, we are entering into the era of ‘Soul over Matter’ after learning much from ‘Mind over Matter’.

The Quantum Scientist is bringing us a profound understanding on how to enter the ‘Oneness Field’ which was first introduced to Joan through the Melchizedek Method in 2000. We are learning our Soul carries all the information within us to heal our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies including our finances.

Since 1995, Joan has been teaching at Circles of Wisdom including many workshops in Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Lightarian Reiki, Magnified Healing, Chakra Balancing with the knowledge of the Chakra Archetypes, Healing with the Seven Sacred Rays of the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Elohim, Sacred Geometry, Healing with Crystals & Pendulums and The Melchizedek Method.

Her training began in the early 1970’s, studying with the Masters from India, including Satchidananda, Baba Muktananda, and Ammachi, as well as studying the disciplines of Pranic Healing with Master Cho Kok Sui, Melchizedek Method with Alton Kamadon, Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki with William Rand, Magnified Healing with Gisele King, and Akashic Record training with Linda Howe. Joan also received the transmissions as a healer of the Tibetan Healing System from His Holiness after 3 years of study with Rinpoche Chongtul. In addition, she is an Ordained Priest in the Melchizedek Order.

The Tao Healing Transmissions Joan has received to be a certified Tao Healer will become part of her energy field and will raise the vibrational energy in all Workshops she teaches from HF Reiki to the Melchizedek work.

In the last few years Joan’s healing work has led her to the study of the profound work of Lao Tzu, called ‘The Dao De Jing’ often referred to as ‘The Way of all life’. The Tao Healing energy is the most powerful Healing energy she has received in all her healing work. She is very grateful to be able to bring this healing energy to others.

Joan is now a certified ‘Tao Hands Healer’ and will be offering healings and teachings at Circles of Wisdom. She will also now offer classes in ‘Unlocking your Quantum Powers’ after having studied Quantum Healing and Tao Science with the work of Dr. Sue Morter, Dr. Jean Houston. Dr. Sha and the Quantum Physicist Dr. Rulin Xiu.

Tao Soul Healing Sessions with Joan Ruggiero
Tao Soul Healing Sessions with Joan Ruggiero

In a Tao Soul Healing Session, Joan will channel the Tao Healing Energy through her voice and hands. You will become immersed in the Tao Healing Field of Light from Source.

Tao Soul Healing Hour
Tao Soul Healing Hour
Tuesday, September 17 Online
6:30 pm-7:30 pm
Humanity is evolving into a Higher Consciousness of Light Vibration. We are moving from the Era of ‘Mind over Matter’ with all the knowledge we have gained and embracing the era of ‘Soul over Matter’. Our very foundation is our Soul.  ‘Heal the Soul first and all else shall follow’.  
Melchizedek Method Levels I/II Training (2 weekends)
Melchizedek Method Levels I/II Training (2 weekends): Full Payment
Saturday, October 5-Sunday, October 6 Online
10:30 am-6:00 pm
This intensive 4 day course will introduce you to the powerful Melchizedek Healing Method and its many benefits.

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