Awakening Your Inner Medium

Awakening Your Inner Medium

Cindy Kaza, Lauren Rainbow



AvailableSeats: 60

Saturday, October 26-Sunday, October 27
10:00 am-4:00 pm EST

  • Early Bird Special! Save $75! Only $350 if you register before 9/15, $425 after 9/15.

Join internationally renowned mediums Cindy Kaza and Lauren Rainbow for a transformative workshop to awaken your inner medium and deepen your connection with the spirit world. Throughout this immersive experience, you'll explore the fundamentals of Mediumship, develop your intuitive abilities, and learn powerful spiritual growth techniques.

What we will cover in this workshop:

  • Introduction to Mediumship: Understanding what Mediumship is, the different types of Mediumship, and common misconceptions.
  • Meditation and Energy Clearing: Guided meditations to open your energy centers and clear any blockages.
  • Connecting with Spirit: Techniques for raising your vibration and attuning to the spirit realm.
  • Psychic vs. Mediumistic Abilities: Understanding the difference and how to develop both.
  • Exercises in Mediumship: Fun and interactive exercises to strengthen your mediumship muscles.
  • Spirit Communication Techniques: Practical techniques for receiving and interpreting messages from spirit.
  • Practice Sessions: Partner and group activities to practice giving and receiving messages in a supportive environment.
  • The Healing Power of Mediumship: Exploring how Mediumship can be used for personal and collective healing.
  • Self-Care for Mediums: Strategies for maintaining energetic balance and self-care practices to support your mediumistic journey.

Workshop Benefits:

  • Develop a deeper connection with your intuitive and mediumistic abilities.
  • Gain practical tools and techniques for spirit communication and healing.
  • Receive guidance and mentorship from two experienced and compassionate mediums.
  • Connect with a like-minded community and build lasting friendships.

This workshop promises to be a profoundly transformative experience, empowering participants to embrace their mediumship abilities and step into their power as their unique medium.

Cindy Kaza

Cindy Kaza

Cindy Kaza first encountered a spirit at the tender age of 10. Though initially dismissed it as a dream, her early twenties revealed these psychic experiences were real. This awakening set her on a path to uncover the truth about her gifts and push the boundaries of her incredible abilities.

Having honed her skills at the prestigious Arthur Findlay School of Intuitive Sciences in England, Cindy now travels across America, bringing forth evidence and messages from the other side.

She is widely recognized for her work on the Travel Channel. She has made notable guest appearances on Discovery Warner shows such as Fright Club, Portals to Hell, Lost in the Wild, Conjuring Kesha, Scream: The True Story, Ed Gein: The Real Psycho, and Ghost Brothers.

Lauren Rainbow

Lauren Rainbow

Lauren Rainbow is not just a medium but a beacon of Spirit, Healing, and Love. With over 20 years of devoted service to Spirit, she has co-authored the best-selling "Mediumship Training Deck" published by Hay House.

Her work has been featured at Omega Institute, Kripalu Yoga, and Lily Dale. Lauren's passion extends beyond mediumship, as she empowers individuals to develop their intuitive gifts and leads transformative journeys to sacred destinations like Egypt, Mexico, Peru, and India.

Messages from Spirit with Cindy Kaza & Lauren Rainbow
Messages from Spirit with Cindy Kaza & Lauren Rainbow
Saturday, October 26 In-Person
7:00 pm-9:00 pm
Prepare yourself for an enchanting evening of evidential and heart-centered messages from Spirit with two remarkable New Hampshire natives and internationally renowned mediums, Cindy Kaza and Lauren Rainbow!

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