Tao Soul Healing Hour
Joan Ruggiero
6:30 pm-7:30 pm EST
6:30 pm-7:30 pm EST
6:30 pm-7:30 pm EST
6:30 pm-7:30 pm EST
- Attend online live or register in advance and receive a replay link after class that you can watch for up to 2 weeks.
This month features: Tao ‘Soul Herb’ Class
- Higher frequencies of Light Energy and Heavenly Gifts are now available to our Souls by simply asking!
- This month, we will continue with accessing ‘Heavenly Soul Herbs’ for the Healing of our Earth Element. Earth Element focuses on Digestion. Digestion is vital to our Health.
- Earth Element includes the Spleen, Stomach, Muscles, Mouth, Lips, Gums, Teeth and the release of Worry.
- In the Soul Era we are learning we don’t have to go to the herb store ‘per se’ we can access Quantumly the ‘Higher Frequency Soul Essence’ of the Herb we need. We will ask the Heavenly Angels from the Heavenly Gardens to provide the Soul Herbs for the healing of our digestive organs.
- You will feel a sense of warmth take place as the energy of the ‘Soul Herb’ enters your body!
- We will then call on the 6 powers of Healing to receive the Soul Herbs into our physical bodies.
Humanity is evolving into a Higher Consciousness of Light Vibration. We are moving from the Era of ‘Mind over Matter’ with all the knowledge we have gained and embracing the era of ‘Soul over Matter’. Our very foundation is our Soul. ‘Heal the Soul first and all else shall follow’.
In this class, you will experience the ‘Power of the Tao’. The Tao and all the Healing Buddhas, Angels and Ascended Masters will hear our call and a flow of healing energy will immediately open and enter every part of our ‘Being’. Our Soul will come forward revealing to us the stuck energy that is to be healed tonight. The Tao Healing Energy will remove this blockage as it enters this space.
Joan will first explain the Tao process of Soul Healing and then channel a Tao Soul Healing guided meditation. If you wish, you can choose ahead of time what you would like to heal. This can be Spiritual, Mental, Emotional or Physical. You can also ask for a Tao Soul Healing for your business, for your finances or for a relationship.
This ‘Tao Soul Healing’ will give you greater clarity and insight into the information your soul wishes to communicate with you.

Joan Ruggiero
We are Now in a great Transformational Evolutionary Shift on Planet Earth. New Waves of High Vibrational Frequencies and Information are pouring in. As Lightworkers on the path of Ascension, we are entering into the era of ‘Soul over Matter’ after learning much from ‘Mind over Matter’.
The Quantum Scientist is bringing us a profound understanding on how to enter the ‘Oneness Field’ which was first introduced to Joan through the Melchizedek Method in 2000. We are learning our Soul carries all the information within us to heal our Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies including our finances.
Since 1995, Joan has been teaching at Circles of Wisdom including many workshops in Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Lightarian Reiki, Magnified Healing, Chakra Balancing with the knowledge of the Chakra Archetypes, Healing with the Seven Sacred Rays of the Archangels, Ascended Masters and Elohim, Sacred Geometry, Healing with Crystals & Pendulums and The Melchizedek Method.
Her training began in the early 1970’s, studying with the Masters from India, including Satchidananda, Baba Muktananda, and Ammachi, as well as studying the disciplines of Pranic Healing with Master Cho Kok Sui, Melchizedek Method with Alton Kamadon, Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki with William Rand, Magnified Healing with Gisele King, and Akashic Record training with Linda Howe. Joan also received the transmissions as a healer of the Tibetan Healing System from His Holiness after 3 years of study with Rinpoche Chongtul. In addition, she is an Ordained Priest in the Melchizedek Order.
The Tao Healing Transmissions Joan has received to be a certified Tao Healer will become part of her energy field and will raise the vibrational energy in all Workshops she teaches from HF Reiki to the Melchizedek work.
In the last few years Joan’s healing work has led her to the study of the profound work of Lao Tzu, called ‘The Dao De Jing’ often referred to as ‘The Way of all life’. The Tao Healing energy is the most powerful Healing energy she has received in all her healing work. She is very grateful to be able to bring this healing energy to others.
Joan is now a certified ‘Tao Hands Healer’ and will be offering healings and teachings at Circles of Wisdom. She will also now offer classes in ‘Unlocking your Quantum Powers’ after having studied Quantum Healing and Tao Science with the work of Dr. Sue Morter, Dr. Jean Houston. Dr. Sha and the Quantum Physicist Dr. Rulin Xiu.