Holy Fire Usui Reiki: Level 1 Intensive
Renee Walsh
10:00 am-2:30 pm EST
Register for Level I and II and save $25!
10:00 am-2:30 pm EST
- Register for both Level 1 and Level 2 and save $25!
- Students taking both Level 1 and Level 2 will receive The Healing Touch Manual as part of the class.
- Please note that this class is an intensive, interactive version. We will only take short breaks as we work with the wonderful energy of Holy Fire Reiki. Please bring a snack with you!
Learn to access the power you hold within. Discover Holy Fire® Reiki, an ancient form of energy healing, something we all possess but are often unaware of this wonderful power we hold within. Reiki is only one of the many forms of energy healing but has become more widely accepted in our culture as its benefits have become apparent. The value of receiving instruction in Reiki is to become aware of this flow of energy and how to best utilize it for yourself and for others. It is both powerful and gentle, provides purification, healing, empowerment and guidance.
Reiki has many advantages for both our own personal use as well as in working with others. Many people claim that the Reiki energy has awakened or opened them to their own spiritual gifts. I believe Reiki permits us to better understand and accept our own divine nature, it empowers us as it raises our vibration, allowing us to hold our own light, longer and stronger.
Holy Fire® Reiki is a new form of Reiki that is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Level 1 introduces you to this wonderful energy as you come to understand the power, the history and begin to experience and use it for yourself. You will also receive a placement that essentially opens you to this the flow of energy.
Reiki 2 offers a more in-depth experience as you learn to work with others as well as understand the power of distance healing. Reiki I & II are typically taught together to achieve the best outcome and allow the practitioner to begin practicing Reiki on others as well as with distance healing sessions. Certification in Level 2 is necessary if you wish to volunteer or begin a practice for others.
All the information and techniques for both levels are covered including:
- The Reiki hand positions.
- Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others.
- Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui.
- Using Reiki for specific conditions.
- The Reiki II symbols, how to use them with practice time.
- Using Reiki to heal unwanted habits.
- Distant healing.
The class is a combination of lecture, discussion and experience. Practice time includes giving and receiving a complete Reiki treatment using all the hand positions, the self -treatment, practice using all the level II symbols including distant healing, and practice using all the Japanese Reiki Techniques mentioned above.
Some of the qualities students have experienced include:
- Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.
- Always respects free will.
- Heals deeply and quickly without distress.
- Heals relationships and interactions with others.
- Releases worry replacing it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.
- Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.
- Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.
- One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined feeling that is very nurturing.
- Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

Renee Walsh
Renee's journey of self-discovery began in the mid-1990s when she questioned her "place" in the corporate world. She delved into a variety of metaphysical modalities, including meditation techniques, crystal therapies, Angel cards, and psychic development techniques. Her quest ultimately led her to the Destiny Card system, which she found to be transformative.
In 2008, Renee fully committed herself to the Magi Fellowship, a group dedicated to the study of the Destiny Cards. Since then, she has gained extensive knowledge and expertise in various holistic practices and has earned certifications in Advanced Akashic Healing, Astrology, Holy Fire Usui & Karuna Reiki Master, and Melchizedek & Arcturian Healing methods.
Renee offers individualized personal consultations and relationship readings using her mastery of the Destiny Cards. She also teaches classes on the Science of the Cards, allowing others to benefit from her wisdom and insight. With her additional certifications in various holistic practices, Renee is well-equipped to provide transformative healing sessions to her clients.
Whether you are seeking clarity about your life path or looking to heal and grow spiritually, Renee's services can guide you towards your goals. She is committed to helping individuals find their true purpose and live their best lives.