Introduction to iRest Guided Meditation

Introduction to iRest Guided Meditation

Andrea Blackington



AvailableSeats: 500

Thursday, September 19
7:00 pm-8:00 pm EST

  • Attend live or preregister and get the replay to watch for up to 3 months.
  • This session is free if registering for a full 8-session series beginning Thursday 9/26. Click here to register for all 9 sessions.

Attend this introductory session to learn more about iRest and have an experience of it.

iRest is a guided self-inquiry meditation practice that helps the nervous system move toward a state of deep rest, wholeness and wellbeing. It promotes an integration of all levels - including but not limited to the physical, emotional and cognitive levels. iRest was developed by Dr. Richard Miller, a spiritual teacher, author, yogic scholar, researcher and clinical psychologist, who combined the traditional practice of Yoga Nidra with Western psychology and neuroscience.

Join Andrea to learn about this simple and accessible form of meditation designed for modern day living. With practice, it enables you to meet each moment of your life with unshakable peace and wellbeing, no matter how challenging or difficult your situation.


Andrea Blackington

Andrea Blackington

Andrea became a Registered Nurse in 2005 and in 2010 was drawn to the healing properties of yoga by the cultivation of spirituality through body awareness. She has been a dedicated practitioner of metaphysical studies since. While deepening into her own journey, she began blending her passion for healing and intuitive development both in her work as a nurse, as well as a restorative yoga and meditation teacher.

She is certifed in Therapeutic Yoga with Cheri Clampett and has studied Yin yoga and Taosist studies with Biff Mithoefer. She is certifed at the 500 hour level in Yoga of Energy Flow Teacher with Daniel Orlansky, trained in Applied Yoga Anatomy with Doug Keller, Ayreveda with Kate O'Donnell, and Yoga Philosophy with Chip Hartranft. She is also certifed in Meridian Yoga with Daniel Orlansky, Restorative Yoga with Jillian Pransky as well as Billie Jo Joy, Thai Yoga Massage with Jennifer Yarro, and Reiki 1 & 2 with Bindy Johnson. She has studied Qi gong with teacher Daisy Lee and is involved in ongoing studies in iRest Yoga Nidra with Jennifer Cabanero and Stephanie Lopez.

Currently, she practices as a level 2 iRest facilitator in group and private practice. Andrea's development as a spiritual guide, teacher and healer continues to expand and she welcomes you to join next to her on your path. 

iRest Guided Meditation 8 Week Series
iRest Guided Meditation 8 Week Series: Inner Resource
Thursday, September 26 Online
7:00 pm-8:00 pm
iRest Yoga Nidra is a guided self-inquiry practice that helps us remember our ever-present wholeness and wellbeing. In this series, we will be moving through the koshas, or energy bodies, week by week to become more familiar with how they function as well as taking time to explore the emerging material in each.

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