
Karma Clearing & Healing the Subtle Bodies with the Divine Light

Mirabai Devi



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  • This event was originally offered in a hybrid format, but will now be held on Zoom only. 

"We have -- at all times -- the opportunity to choose joy and love over suffering and pain. This takes an awareness of our Higher Self to make a different choice. This is what determines our future." ~ Mirabai Devi 

Imagine the sun as being the symbol of your Higher Self. In order to see the sun in your house, you must open the curtains to allow the sun to shine in. If you don’t open the curtains, then you are unable to see if the sun is shining. In the same way you must clean your subtle bodies and remove the veils, so that the Light can come in and illuminate within you and throughout your life.

This is what healing the subtle bodies is all about. You have to move the veils of karma, of resistance, of conditioning, the negative energies, old thought patterns and negative limited belief systems that no longer serve you…

In this 2-hour workshop Mirabai will explore the nature of the subtle bodies and how to heal and balance them with the Divine Light and energy work practices. Mirabai will also explain how negative karma needs to be cleared through the practice of peacemaking & forgiveness.

This work really makes a huge difference in experiencing the lightness of being and freedom from suffering and pain.

What to expect in this program  

Breathwork, guided meditation, energy work techniques, karma clearing, subtle bodies teaching and a Group Light Transmission.

Mirabai Devi

Mirabai Devi

Mirabai Devi is an international spiritual teacher, mentor, facilitator for healing, author, conduit for the Divine Feminine, and the founder of the Mirabai Devi Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit. The Foundation is dedicated to her mission of raising world consciousness through the awakening and healing of humanity.

Mirabai has been devoted to the service of humanity for nearly 30 years. Her global programs and group healings have transformed the lives of millions of people throughout the world. She was born in South Africa and currently Lives In Hawaii. 

Private Sessions with Mirabai Devi: Transform ANY Situation in Your Life
Private Sessions with Mirabai Devi: Transform ANY Situation in Your Life
Thursday, August 22

Private sessions are your one-on-one personal time with Mirabai where you receive focused attention on what you directly need help with in your life right now.

An Evening of Personal Intuitive Readings & Energy Work
An Evening of Personal Intuitive Readings & Energy Work
Thursday, September 19 In-Person
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
Mirabai Devi will be hosting this intimate in person group session, where she will conduct intuitive readings for 6 participants. The session will uncover the underlying causes of various life circumstances, feelings, and conditions by uncovering deep pools of karma, family lineage, and past life inheritance, and personal history. 

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