Sacred Women's Circle

Sacred Women's Circle

Susan Campbell



AvailableSeats: 40

Thursday, September 26
12:00 pm-2:00 pm EST

  • Please join us for this introductory class which we hope to move to a monthly group. All are welcome.

If you’re longing to join an intentional community of women who are spiritually motivated, please join us for our Sacred Women’s Circle.

A women’s circle, at its essence, is a way to manifest our highest and best lives while channeling light and love into the world.

The female narrative has been ignored for too long and it’s up to us to change this. Each of us has a story and learning how to raise our voices and speak our truths are important ingredients in telling it. Respecting and valuing our very existence is a key to unlocking the door to our inner strengths. Let’s resurrect the Divine Feminine and embark upon a spiritual journey that will lead us to our soul’s joy in our everyday lives and in our uniquely human expressions.

The time has come for women to grow their power in purposeful ways, to fulfill their responsibility to heal the planet and to balance the energies so that diversity can thrive.

We are the warriors and the heroes we’ve been waiting for and when we come together, we can change the world’s consciousness.

It is time to create our community of Spirit - let’s get to work!

Susan Campbell

Susan Campbell

Sue has been a lifelong seeker having spent the last fifty years on a spiritual journey that’s taken her from the small town, Silver Belle, in Pennsylvania, to working on a master’s program in Transformational Psychology. Along the way she has taken classes in Alchemy, The Hero’s Quest, Dream Interpretation and other esoteric modalities. She’s been to seminars, readings and many workshops with some very impressive talent.

On her worldly journey she’s been a banker, a real estate agent, and a teacher. Teaching has been a main theme throughout her career.

Along her path, she became immersed in the study of the Divine Feminine, whose archetypes we all carry within us. In awe of the numinous power, we hold inside of us, she became determined to spread the seeds of knowledge allowing us to become our best selves, finding our soul’s joy in the process.

She believes that through sharing our stories, we can empower each other, grow together, and build a community that becomes the light so much needed in the world today.

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