Spring Sacred Cacao Ceremony: Release, Relax, Receive & Awaken Your Soul

Spring Sacred Cacao Ceremony: Release, Relax, Receive & Awaken Your Soul

Carmen Hernandez, Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso



AvailableSeats: 60

Sunday, March 16
10:00 am-1:00 pm EST

  • Registration deadline is Friday, March 14 at 12 NOON. Advanced registration required; no walk-ins.
  • Please arrive by 9:30 am - we begin promptly at 10 am. Late arrivals will not be allowed to enter the sacred space. 
  • Following this ceremony there will be an optional "bring your own lunch sharing circle" - all registrants are welcome to join us.
  • Please note there is a special Cacao Ceremony Waiver Form you must sign before attending. Health advisory: While Cacao is safe for most people, it does increase heart rate and should not be consumed by anyone for whom a 20 percent increase in heart rate would cause a medical emergency. It is not recommended for people with pacemakers, arrhythmia, tachycardia, or any related heart issues. Cacao can interact with certain medications, including blood pressure medications, blood thinners, diuretics, and stimulants. Anyone taking MAOI-based antidepressants should consult a medical provider before attending and begin with half the ceremonial dose. If you have any questions, please consult your health professional. 

Mid-March is the perfect time to awaken ourselves and dust off the cobwebs, and Cacao is a beautiful plant spirit to help us do so. This sacred drink from Mesoamerica, made from the dried seeds of the Cacao fruit, opens the heart and the awareness in safe, lovely, and luxurious ways. In this ceremony, through this plant elixir, you will be supported in deep diving into relaxation and receptivity. Feel what it is to be in the state of love that is your natural way of being. Open to the guidance that becomes available to you. Emerge fortified for the next stage of your journey as we move with the change of seasons.

This ceremony will be enhanced by a sound healing experience led by Sound Healer Carmen Hernandez, and it’s the perfect accompaniment to activate our bliss body!

Your Guide

Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School https://www.sevensistersmysteryschool.com/and the author of four books on the Sacred Feminine, including her latest, The Secret Life of Mother Mary. She has been facilitating Cacao ceremonies for the past 8 years and loves sharing this sacred plant with others.

How to Prepare for This Ceremony

To experience Cacao most fully, refrain from drinking coffee or milk the morning of the ceremony, and come on an empty stomach or having eaten very little.

Bring to the ceremony:

  • Journal and pen
  • Water
  • Layers for comfort
  • If you think you may want to lie down (a good possibility), bring a generous floor covering or padded mat for underneath you as well as a blanket and pillow. The floor tends to be cool.
  • Your own lunch if you'd like to hang out afterward.
Carmen Hernandez

Carmen Hernandez

Carmen is a multidimensional healer who illuminates pathways to higher consciousness. She walks beside you, holding heart space, supporting and guiding you to step more powerfully into your divine essence. As a quantum healer, she assists in clearing energetic blockages, both present and past life, to create a heart-soul alignment.

Carmen is a master teacher in Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. She is also a Magnified Healing practitioner.

Sound Healing is an essential component of Carmen’s healing work. She blends the celestial sounds of gongs, crystal and himalayan bowls with her other healing modalities to achieve a uniquely transcendent experience.

During her sessions, she works closely with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to create a calming, heart-centered space for deep healing and soul clarity.

In addition to working with people, Carmen's love of animals prompted her to pursue a certification in Animal Reiki and Communication. Equine communication is particularly near and dear to her heart. Carmen has served as a volunteer at Ironstone Farm, Andover, MA, within their hippotherapy program and also serves as an animal communication liaison between Circles of Wisdom and Strongwater Farm in Tewksbury.

To learn more about Carmen amd her other offerings, visit her at www.asoulgoddess.com


Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso

Marguerite Mary Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the foremost authority on the history of virgin birth and has taught graduate and undergraduate courses in both the United States and the United Kingdom. The founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School, she offers many unique and ongoing classes on the Sacred Feminine, including on Mother Mary, and she mentors people individually to help them deepen their spiritual path.

She is the author of the recent book The Mystery Tradition of Miraculous Conception: Mary and the Lineage of Virgin Births, as well as The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity. She lives in western Massachusetts. She may be contacted for mentoring or speaking engagements at Dove@SevenSistersOfferings.com.

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6:30 pm-8:00 pm
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7:00 pm-8:00 pm
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