Using Past Lives to Create the Future

Using Past Lives to Create the Future

Michelle Brock



AvailableSeats: 60

Saturday, September 28
10:00 am-4:30 pm EST

In our identity-obsessed culture, it is easy to think that who we are is determined by what we see in the mirror. But what if we open our minds to the notion that we are souls journeying through many lives over time?

How would it change the way that we think about ourselves to know that we have lived before, in many past lives? How would it change the way that we view others?

And- can we use knowledge of our past lives to create a new future? Can we use past lives to create a future that features more joy, fulfillment, peace, compassion, empathy, equality, and love - both for ourselves as individuals, and collectively as a society?

Join us for a deep dive into your distant past by way of uncovering memories from your own past lives, as well as a discussion about how knowledge of the past can help us create the future- one that is filled with infinite potential!


This all-day, intensive workshop will include:

  • A discussion and Q&A about the concept of reincarnation and what our own, personal history can teach us about our lives right now
  • How to connect with your past lives and your own “inner wisdom” and how to navigate your unconscious mind
  • Guidance in the process of unpacking the various ways that we identify ourselves and how these identities are actually false
  • Several group meditations to help you recall memories from both your childhood in this life, as well as specific memories from your own past lives
  • Small group exercises, journaling prompts, and creative visualizations to help you connect more deeply with your past lives and help you chart a course toward the future that you would like to create
  • Ritual and intention setting to steer us all toward a new identity – and end any bias, prejudice, hatred, or divisiveness and help everyone, everywhere learn to become united as one humanity
  • Discover that you are old and wise by way of your past lives, and that you are soul, not a body – and your purpose is love.


Michelle Brock

Michelle Brock

Michelle Brock is a New York City based spiritual development life coach who specializes in past life regression. She is also an intuitive counselor, a psychic medium, a master hypnotist, and has studied spirituality, shamanism, meditation, divination, astrology, and energy medicine techniques from many different world traditions. 

Based on her own experience, including discovering her own past lives and the spiritual journey that resulted, Michelle is an expert guide and a true mentor to anyone who wishes to discover more about their own, true, eternal nature and the spiritual journey over many lifetimes we are all on.

Michelle believes that experiences that are considered psychic or metaphysical transcend culture and are universal to the human experience. And, that these experiences are personal, spiritual in nature and can become available to anyone. 

She also believes that if all people, everywhere could experience their own past lives, as well as the profound spiritual lessons connected to that process, we could create a world that features equality, love, understanding, and peace for all of humanity. 

Michelle currently lives in the hustle and bustle that is New York City.

Who Do You Think You Are?
Who Do You Think You Are?
Friday, September 27 In-Person or Online
7:00 pm-8:30 pm
Michelle Brock, intuitive life coach and author of “Who Do You Think You Are? An Interactive Journey Through Your Past Lives and Into Your Best Future” will be presenting her new book, which is all about how our past lives can help us discover our true identity.

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