Soul Pathway Readings & Healings with Soul Goddess Carmen Hernandez
Soul Pathway Sessions
- 15 min - $40
- 30 min - $75
- 45 min - $115
- 60 min - $140
Sacred Sound Fusion or Atlantean Ceremony (In Person Only)
- 30 min - $80
- 60 min - $150
Soul Pathway Sessions
Carmen illuminates pathways to higher consciousness assisting all in stepping into their divine essence. During a session, she can assist in clearing energetic blockages both present and past life, opening pathways to create heart-soul alignment in living a life untethered.
Carmen’s sessions are a multidimensional experience. When divinely guided, she channels Light Language, which speaks directly to our soul and DNA. Light Language has the ability to shift our energy to a higher frequency than we usually inhabit so deeper healing and can occur.
For those struggling with healing matters of the heart, Carmen works alongside Ascended Master Quan Yin in the quantum heart field. This transmutational, higher-vibrational heart energy allows clients to clear residual heart pain and live from a higher heart space.
During a reading, Carmen channels messages while creating a Soul Tapestry - your ‘soul keys’ of understanding. Carmen has a very powerful connection to the Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters, many of whom serve on her Counsel of Light.
Sacred Sound Fusion Healing (In Person Only)
Are you looking for an energetic “reset” to bring mind, body, soul balance and clarity or simply move out of that “stuck” feeling?
You will be immersed in a quantum vibrational healing field created by a 36” cosmic gong and an orchestra of crystal and Himalayan bowls and other sacred healing tools. This powerful vibration will connect deeply at the cellular level of your body and assist in bringing your physical, emotional, spiritual and etheric bodies into a state of divine harmonic resonance. You may feel this at the physical level as an energetic “reset” and clearing of all that no longer serves you.
Atlantean Healing Ceremony (In Person Only)
Using an Ancient Atlantean Healing Ceremony, Carmen connects to the natural healing and sacred teachings of the ocean. She uses 13 sacred instruments, both gongs and bowls to harmonize the emotional body and achieve congruency. During this process, your spiritual body of light comes into divine balance and flows back into the tides of consciousness.
Since we are comprised of nearly 60% water, this technique entrains your body into harmonic alignment with the natural biorhythms of the ocean. The body is infused with healing light codes emitted through the vibrations of the “Sacred 13”. In this process, a higher vibration is achieved which allows a release of physical and emotional.
Next Availability
Thursday, March 20
In-Person or Remote
11:00 am-5:00 pm
Monday, March 31
In-Person or Remote
2:00 pm-7:00 pm
Monday, April 7
In-Person or Remote
2:00 pm-7:00 pm
Thursday, April 24
In-Person or Remote
11:00 am-5:00 pm

Carmen Hernandez
Carmen is a multidimensional healer who illuminates pathways to higher consciousness. She walks beside you, holding heart space, supporting and guiding you to step more powerfully into your divine essence. As a quantum healer, she assists in clearing energetic blockages, both present and past life, to create a heart-soul alignment.
Carmen is a master teacher in Usui Reiki, Holy Fire Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. She is also a Magnified Healing practitioner.
Sound Healing is an essential component of Carmen’s healing work. She blends the celestial sounds of gongs, crystal and himalayan bowls with her other healing modalities to achieve a uniquely transcendent experience.
During her sessions, she works closely with the Archangels and Ascended Masters to create a calming, heart-centered space for deep healing and soul clarity.
In addition to working with people, Carmen's love of animals prompted her to pursue a certification in Animal Reiki and Communication. Equine communication is particularly near and dear to her heart. Carmen has served as a volunteer at Ironstone Farm, Andover, MA, within their hippotherapy program and also serves as an animal communication liaison between Circles of Wisdom and Strongwater Farm in Tewksbury.
To learn more about Carmen amd her other offerings, visit her at